The advantage of SSGS and of SSRRC techniques is that after the SLAVE calibration has been established, it can be automatically checked and adjusted by using FloPro software protocol. This is done by analyzing the most concentrated standard and by comparing this concentration with the value obtained by the initial MASTER calibration run. To verify this approach the serially diluted standards (TRUE), were analyzed using SLAVE calibration (MEASURED) and adjusted by MASTER/SLAVE ratio of highest standard. In order to obtain FOUND values, Control 1 (A) was adjusted by 1.01 to obtain, while Control 2 (B) was adjusted by 1.41, since during  two days interval between assays the reagent  deteriorated. The detailed description of  the  enzymatic method for glucose assay is in  section (2.2.10.),  except that for assays presented here, the reagent used was diluted 1:1 to accommodate more concentrated glucose samples.

Single Standard Reaction Rate Calibration
